Journal Ethics and Copyrights Statement
SCI is a printed and an open access journal, published annually.
Copyright in the article is vested with the Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies.
Authors who wish to re-publish their work elsewhere must obtain permission from the Editors of SCI and give due acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
Authors may post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) after its publication in print and online in SCI. Submission and proofs may not be posted, shared, or otherwise used except as directed by the editorial office or the Press.
Author Responsibilities
Articles submitted for consideration in SCI are expected to be original work that does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights or other rights of any individual or entity. Authors are required to obtain any necessary permissions to include copyrighted material in their article.
Submitting the same paper to more than one journal concurrently is a violation of the Press’s ethical standards. Any such manuscript will be rejected.
We encourage authors to identify themselves using ORCID when submitting a manuscript to this journal. ORCID provides a unique identifier for researchers.
Preliminary review
Submissions are pre-reviewed by the editor, to make sure that it conforms to scholarly standards.
If the submitted article were less obviously out of conformity with the journal’s scholarly standards, the editor would normally consult one of the associate editors as to whether it seemed worthwhile to proceed with peer-review. Papers of both kinds (obviously unsuitable and arguably so) are sent back to authors without formal peer review.
Type of review
SCI uses a double-anonymous peer review model. This means that the identities of both the peer reviewers and the authors are kept hidden.
We use two peer reviewers, unless their opinions are widely divided, in which case we go to a third. When all of the reports are gathered, the editor decides whether to accept the paper, reject it, or continue to work with the author by inviting him or her to revise and resubmit the paper. If an author agrees to revise and resubmit, further evaluation might be done by the editor, or one or more reviewers might be asked to look at the revised paper and state whether their reservations have been adequately addressed.
Revision process
The peer review process typically takes between two to three months, though it can take longer. Once an article is accepted is asked to adapt it to SCI’s style Guidelines for Contributors. Accepted articles are published within a year.
Authors whose articles were accepted for publication receive a PDF copy of their work and can also download it from SCI’s website.